Each Wednesday this article will be updated with the current seasonal study using CQG’s Seasonal analysis applied to the Soybean, Wheat and Corn markets. You can download the CQG pac providing the… more
COMEX gold futures reached a record high in 2011 at $1,911.60. After a four-year correction, the price reached a bottom at $1046.20 in late 2015. In August 2020, the price eclipsed the 2011 high,… more
Aquarius Exchange is preparing to launch next month with CQG as its strategic technology partner. Aquarius will feature an open order book for cryptocurrency spot trading without maker,… more
A new trading application is now available for traders who want to simultaneously work orders on two or more exchanges. The primary goal of this interface is to allow the trader to place/observe/… more
Each Wednesday this article will be updated with the current seasonal study using CQG’s Seasonal analysis applied to the Soybean, Wheat and Corn markets. You can download the CQG pac providing the… more
Frank Shostak is an Associated Scholar of the Mises Institute. His consulting firm, Applied Austrian School Economics, provides in-depth assessments and reports of financial… more
Each Wednesday this article will be updated with the current seasonal study using CQG’s Seasonal analysis applied to the Soybean, Wheat and Corn markets. You can download the CQG pac providing the… more
Each Wednesday this article will be updated with the current seasonal study using CQG’s Seasonal analysis applied to the Soybean, Wheat and Corn markets. You can download the CQG pac providing the… more
When using RTD functions in Excel to pull in market prices you have to manually format the prices. Excel does not know that the E-mini S&P 500 price has two decimals places (i.e. 3909.25) and… more