Helmut Mueller

Going all the way back until the famous turtle trading systems, ATR has always been an important measurement for volatility in the markets. ATR’s are still used for exits in trading systems and… more

Thom Hartle

Each Wednesday this article will be updated with the current seasonal study using CQG’s Seasonal analysis applied to the Soybean, Wheat and Corn markets. You can download the CQG pac providing the… more

Thom Hartle

The Spread Bar chart displays spread bar values based on a user set parameter for snap shots at certain intervals.

This is a superior method to simply plotting the spread prices. For… more

Thom Hartle

Each Wednesday this article will be updated with the current seasonal study using CQG’s Seasonal analysis applied to the Soybean, Wheat and Corn markets. You can download the CQG pac providing the… more

Andy Hecht

The raw material markets moved higher in Q4 and were higher than at the end of 2021 on December 30, 2022. The commodity asset class consisting of 29 primary commodities traded on U.S. and U.K.… more

Thom Hartle

Each Wednesday this article will be updated with the current seasonal study using CQG’s Seasonal analysis applied to the Soybean, Wheat and Corn markets. You can download the CQG pac providing the… more

Thom Hartle

Microsoft® Excel has a Text function which is useful for combining text with market data. For example, you may want to have your Excel dashboard display in the same cell the percent net change… more

Marcus Kwan
Charting New options profile study Ability to show/hide study values on the price scale Ability to show/hide study list Added Volatility Stop study to CQG Mobile for Android HMS/OTC Ability to set… more
Thom Hartle

Each Wednesday this article will be updated with the current seasonal study using CQG’s Seasonal analysis applied to the Soybean, Wheat and Corn markets. You can download the CQG pac providing the… more

The CME (and other exchanges) provide data regarding who the aggressor was (buyer or seller) when a trade is executed. An "Aggressor" or "Aggressing Order" by definition is an incoming order… more