Options Selling with a Purpose: Counter-Trend Premium Collection using CQG Options Analytics

In this webinar, Carley Garner shows you how to determine when to sell options using volatility to find… more

Helmut Mueller

One of the questions we received recently was if it is possible to trigger a trade in a certain market based on another trading system trading a different market. The answer is yes. Here is how to… more

Helmut Mueller

In my previous article, Backtesting Tip: Parameters inside CQG Code, I discussed the different parameter types and how to use them. This is important for all backtesting users because only values… more

Helmut Mueller

We are getting a lot of questions about CQG parameters (Parms). In CQG, parameters are used for everything that needs to be controlled from the user interface and only Parms can be optimized.… more

Sharpen your trading with the advanced tools available in CQG Integrated Client. CQG Product Specialist Helmut Mueller presents a start-to-finish analysis of a trade system and covers:

Pre-… more
Helmut Mueller

The Peak-Ahead Problem

For most people the quick and dirty method of building trading systems using the signal bar closing price is good enough to judge a trading system… more

Thom Hartle

This Microsoft Excel dashboard measures volatility by using the difference between the upper and lower Bollinger Bands and dividing the difference by the Moving Average. The dashboard then sorts… more

Watch this video to learn about the functionality and features of the Portfolio Monitor, the Spreadsheet Trader, and the Quote Spreadsheet Version 2.0.

Watch this video to learn the steps to configuring the Portfolio Monitor, Spreadsheet Trader, and the Quote Spreadsheet V2. Learn how to select themes, add and modify market data columns, add… more

Denver, CO, April 15, 2014 - CQG, Inc. has released the newest version of CQG Integrated Client (CQG IC): version 2014 (CQG 2014). This latest iteration of the company's flagship platform includes… more