For some symbols the price ladder can be compressed, which means that ticks can be viewed in a quantity different from the exchange value.
You can set the amount of the compression next… more
For some symbols the price ladder can be compressed, which means that ticks can be viewed in a quantity different from the exchange value.
You can set the amount of the compression next… more
The first major war in Europe since WW II broke out in February with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. At the beginning of March, the Ukrainian military and citizens continued to hold off the Russian… more
In this second of our series of articles on technical analysis for commercial hedgers we will look at using technical analysis to understand the basis and how it impacts the decision-making… more
There are two types of analysis used by traders to inform their trading decisions. Technical analysis and fundamental analysis. In this course, you will learn about the various patterns,… more
Petroleum prices fell for the first week in nine as continued tensions on the Russian Ukrainian border which appear to be poised for rapid escalation to an invasion were offset by apparent… more
This post walks you through using Microsoft® Excel’s Indirect function and other Excel features to make usable Quote Dashboards. The provided sample Excel spreadsheet is unlocked.
Consider… more
Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey made a ridiculous comment almost two weeks ago and I’d be remiss not to mention it. Bailey issued his own FORWARD GUIDANCE on how to slow the pace of… more
The maturation of cryptocurrencies has led to increased adoption of crypto products, including regulated and centrally cleared crypto derivatives With sustainable investments set… morePetroleum prices increased for an eighth consecutive week, touching eight year highs as reports released on Friday
afternoon from numerous mainstream media outlets stated that Russia had… more
The UDS functionality has been significantly updated with many more strategies and the ability to filter the Strategy Analysis window to list those suitable for trading at the CME, those… more