
Thom Hartle

These two Microsoft Excel® spreadsheets present Globex crude oil market data and forward curves, both current and historical. Two dashboards are available: The first the data includes outrights… more

Thom Hartle

This Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet presents Globex crude oil market data and forward curves. The data includes outrights, exchange-traded calendar spreads, and butterfly spreads. The exchange-… more

Thom Hartle

This Microsoft Excel® dashboard displays individual one-month crude oil calendar spreads traded on CME Globex and their individual legs for tracking the volume and open interest rolls. All of… more

Thom Hartle

Customers using our flagship product, CQG Integrated Client (CQG IC), have access to a new study called Algo Orders. Using a proprietary algorithm, this indicator of trading activity detects and… more

Thom Hartle

This Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet uses the CQG Toolkit to pull in market data for crude oil traded on CME Globex.

Twelve months of outrights, one-month, and three-month calendar spreads are… more

Thom Hartle

This Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet uses a matrix format to show the crude oil market traded on the CME Globex electronic trading platform.

This dashboard screen capture shows the inside… more