Thom Hartle

Certified stocks are bags of coffee that have been graded by the ICE exchange by ICE approved graders and are warehoused in exchange approved warehouses around the world. ICE reports the current… more

Andy Hecht

The raw material markets edged higher in Q3. The commodity asset class consisting of 29 primary commodities traded on U.S. and U.K. exchanges moved 1.91% higher in Q3 2023. Over the first nine… more

Thom Hartle

Technical analysts and technical based traders apply various studies to price data, such as a moving average, to smooth the price action. The goal is to filter the moment-to-moment price action,… more

Thom Hartle

Each Wednesday this article will be updated with the current seasonal study using CQG's Seasonal analysis applied to the Soybean, Wheat and Corn markets. You can download the CQG pac providing the… more

Yra Harris

Louis-Vincent Gave - CEO. Louis-Vincent Gave co-founded GaveKal in 1999 with his father Charles and Anatole Kaletsky. GaveKal started as an independent research firm and evolved in 2005 to include… more

Thom Hartle

Customers of BrokerTec can now trade the Relative Value (RV) Treasury Spreads. BrokerTec is the price discovery leader for benchmark cash U.S. Treasuries.

RV Curve offers 21 spreads. This… more

Thom Hartle

Each Wednesday this article will be updated with the current seasonal study using CQG's Seasonal analysis applied to the Soybean, Wheat and Corn markets. You can download the CQG pac providing the… more

Marcus Kwan
UpdatesPrice alerts you set from CQG One or CQG Desktop, will show up now as in app or push notifications in CQG Mobile. Helpful Links

CQG in the App Store: CQG for iOS is available to… more

Marcus Kwan

Various improvements and bug fixes.

GeneralRight-click on a horizontal line label on a chart to removeImproved confirmation when creating an alertTrading/ReportingAdded bid/ask profile… more
Thom Hartle

Each Wednesday this article will be updated with the current seasonal study using CQG's Seasonal analysis applied to the Soybean, Wheat and Corn markets. You can download the CQG pac providing the… more