Yra Harris

Bernard Connolly is a British economist noted for his dislike of the euro. He is know for writing The Rotten Heart of Europe: The Dirty War for Europe's Money.

with thanks to … more

Thomas Finlon

Energy prices increased for a fourth consecutive week, the longest such streak of gains since October. Reductions in Crude inventories rendering stocks to their lowest levels since October 2018,… more

Thom Hartle

The XL Toolkit provides market and orders & positions data via CQG’s Web API. This Excel Add-in is an FCM enablement. Excel has to be installed locally, not in the Cloud.

When you log-… more

Thomas Finlon

Energy prices rose for a third consecutive week, reaching their highest levels since late November. Strong
demand, growing production issues in Kazakhstan, Libya, Russia, Nigeria, Canada and… more

Thomas Finlon

Energy prices rose again in another holiday abbreviated week. Prices increased despite a dramatic rise in cases of the omicron variant of Covid-19. Increases in petroleum demand were significant… more

Andy Hecht

The raw material markets asset class moved higher in the fourth quarter of 2021 after posting gains throughout the year. The commodity asset class consisting of 29 of the primary commodities that… more

Thomas Finlon

Petroleum prices increased this week in abbreviated preholiday trading. Prices trended upward in both Crude and refined products despite clear evidence of reduced demand linked to the Omicron… more

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#CQGWeeklyGlobalCornRecap #cornfutures #corn

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Thomas Finlon

Petroleum prices fell for the seventh week in eight as renewed concerns about the rapid spread of the Omicron variant of the Covid-19 virus, associated expectations of renewed travel and movement… more