Joseph Souhlakis

Since 2011, gold has been in a downtrend from the 19207 all-time high to the 10723 low made earlier this year. During this four-year trend, gold has had a series of consolidations, in the form of… more

Andy Hecht

Third quarter of 2015 is now in the books, and the results were not pretty for commodity bulls. Overall, a composite of over thirty futures-market-traded commodities moved lower, making the last… more

Thom Hartle

This Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet uses RTD market data functions that call the daily open, high, low, and close by dates to automatically update the bottom of the table with today's market data.… more

Our next gateway upgrade is scheduled for this weekend, starting October 2, 2015. Along with several improvements and bug fixes, it will include CAST changes for these sections:

Private label… more

This Dow Jones News newsletter highlights some of the top coverage from Dow Jones' newsrooms around the world. The newsletter's focus is Technology, and coverage highlights include:

Exclusive… more

Powers social trading platform with FX and futures market data and trade execution

Denver, September 23, 2015 - Continuum, CQG's enterprise API division, today announced its partnership… more

Thom Hartle

The XL Toolkit has been updated. The Labels group has been expanded from 30 fields to 75 fields. The easiest method to learn the new data calls is once logged in then select “Label Data”, enter a… more

Thom Hartle

This Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet uses the CQG Toolkit to pull in market data. There is a Symbols tab where you can enter the symbols and the parameter for decimal formatting.

This… more

Thom Hartle

This Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet uses the CQG XL Toolkit to pull in market data. There is a Symbols tab where you can enter the symbols, the parameter for decimal formatting, and the title… more

Thom Hartle

This Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet uses the CQG Toolkit to pull in Eurodollar market data: twenty years of quarterly contracts for outrights, exchange-traded three-month, and six-month calendar… more