Marcus Kwan
Quotes Added the ability to filter by any column in QSS  Added exchange as a column in QSS and SpreadSheet Trader Added ISIN number to CSPEC Trading Child orders in a bracket can now have… more
Marcus Kwan
General UpdatesFull screen chart when phone is horizontal
TradingImproved workflow when tapping on a position in the Positions tab to get to details viewAdded a setting to display OTE and P/L… more
Helmut Mueller

Here are two more trading systems based on the Super Template that were recently created on a customers demand.

The idea is to have a few standard trading systems that have many… more

Reduce manual process and drive efficiency across your organization. During this webinar, CQG will cover all you need to know about CQG's OTC tools, how to gain access and use them, and how you… more

Thom Hartle

Customers using our flagship product, CQG Integrated Client (CQG IC) or QTrader, have access to a new study called Algo Orders. Using a proprietary algorithm, this trading activity indicator… more

Thom Hartle

Customers using our flagship product, CQG Integrated Client (CQG IC) or QTrader, have access to a new study called Algo Orders. Using a proprietary algorithm, this trading activity indicator… more

Thom Hartle

This Microsoft Excel® dashboard pulls in the Short Sterling market data traded on the ICE platform. There are three forward curve charts. The first chart displays the quarterly contracts forward… more

Thom Hartle

Customers using our flagship product, CQG Integrated Client (CQG IC) or QTrader, have access to a new study called Algo Orders. Using a proprietary algorithm, this trading activity indicator… more

Andy Hecht

Commodities are global assets. Raw material production is a local affair as minerals, ores, metals, and energy output comes from parts of the world where the earth's crust is rich in… more

Marcus Kwan
Quotes Added a quick filter on QSS and Spreadsheet Trader General Improved tab overflow Improved font rendering on non-retina displays Updated some widget names and icons

We hope that these… more