Andy Hecht

The dollar index moved lower by 4.79% in the second quarter of 2017. Out of the 29 commodities that I follow, 22 posted losses during the three-month period that ended last Friday, June 30.… more

Thom Hartle

This macro-enabled Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet tracks the holdings of the SPDR® S&P® Bank ETF (symbol: KBE).

Throughout the trading session, the individual stocks are dynamically… more

Gateway version 5.6 is scheduled for the weekend of June 30, 2017.

This upgrade includes backend improvements and bug fixes.

Thom Hartle

RTD formulas for chart types and studies can include the same parameter settings used in your CQG continuation charts. In the RTD formula the continuation parameters are entered in the “time… more

Thom Hartle

Some traders want to see their current open trade equity (OTE) and closed out trades (P&L) based on yesterday’s settlement, not the original price when the trade was opened. In DOMTrader's… more

Thom Hartle

This Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet tracks the BrokerTec US Treasury Yield Curve data and the ICAP Euro Bonds and Gilts markets.

The top-left quote display allows you to enter your… more

Marcus Kwan

Here is a summary of the new features in CQG Version 2.13.

Chart Tooltips show bar and study values on the chart (coming soon: crosshairs). Countdown timer is now available for… more
Thom Hartle

This macro-enabled Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet tracks the holdings of the SPDR® S&P® Biotech ETF (symbol: XBI).

Throughout the trading session, the individual stocks are dynamically… more

Thom Hartle

CQG Integrated Client customers can set up custom sessions for their charts. For example, NYSE’s trading hours are from 8:30 to 15:00. The primary session for the E-mini S&P opens at 8:30, but… more

Andy Hecht

The US dollar is the reserve currency of the world, and it is also the benchmark pricing mechanism for most raw material prices. Typically, a weak dollar results in strong commodities prices… more