
Thom Hartle

CQG One provides an "Active RFQ" widget. A Request for Quote (RFQ) is functionality provided for traders to access electronic quotes on multi-leg options strategies. It is an electronic message… more

Thom Hartle

This post details the use of the CQG function: Time Average (TimeAvg), which calculates the average for values taken at the same time of day over the lookback period.

In this example, the… more

Thom Hartle

CQG IC and QTrader offer charts that utilize volume for the horizontal scale, not time. The first chart type to discuss is Constant Volume Bars.

Constant Volume Bar (CVB)

The Constant… more

Thom Hartle

There are a number of volume-based studies available to customers using CQG IC or QTrader. This post walks you through the basic details of the various studies, then correlation analysis is… more