
Thom Hartle

In this post, the aspects of becoming a good rule-based trader are discussed. But first, an illustrative story...

While attending college I worked in warehouses on Seattle's… more

Thom Hartle

This post details the use of the CQG function: Time Average (TimeAvg), which calculates the average for values taken at the same time of day over the lookback period.

In this example, the… more

Thom Hartle

CQG IC and QTrader offer charts that utilize volume for the horizontal scale, not time. The first chart type to discuss is Constant Volume Bars.

Constant Volume Bar (CVB)

The Constant… more

Thom Hartle

There are a number of volume-based studies available to customers using CQG IC or QTrader. This post walks you through the basic details of the various studies, then correlation analysis is… more

Thom Hartle

CQG IC and QTrader offer two studies that track volatility: Implied Volatility and Historical Volatility. This post details each study and provides an Excel spreadsheet for tracking the two.

Thom Hartle

The Adaptive Moving Average (AMA) was developed by American quantitative financial analyst and author Perry J. Kaufman. The AMA study is like the exponential moving average (EMA), except the AMA… more