The CQG Data Quality Team has added the USDA Daily Ethanol Report found under USDA in the CQG Symbol Finder. Thirty-four new symbols are available. At the bottom of the post is a CQG PAC that… more

The CQG Data Quality Team has added over 1,000 USDA Cattle Market reports. The symbols are found under the USDA-WASDE group in the CQG Symbol Finder when searching for Cattle.

In… more

The UDS functionality in CQG Version 2022 has been significantly updated with many more strategies, as well as the available strategies are now grouped by exchanges. This post introduces UDS… more

As some kind of review for the last year, I would like to present a few indicators that were coded partly as customer requests or my own research. We had something similar a few years ago: https… more

CQG Version 22.12.8002 introduces CQG’s Net Change Curve Chart.

This chart type enables you to compare the current session’s performance of a collection of markets. The above image… more

This article walks you through using Microsoft® Excel’s LINEST function to determine the three coefficients and y-intercept of a 3rd order polynomial function over the past 20 bars of closing… more

This post builds upon CQG Product Specialist Helmut Mueller's post titled “Most Wanted Seven Studies Plus a Bonus Trading System.” His post provides a PAC with the following studies:

Chande… more

A long time ago, I wrote two articles about divergence for our CQG blog that are probably still worth reading. Especially in the second article, I was using peaks on the indicators to measure… more

CQG comes with 74 functions such as Absolute Value (Abs), Accumulation (Accum), and Bars Since (BarsSince) to name a few. Functions are found in the Formula Toolbox for creating custom studies.… more

John Ehlers’, President of MESA Software (mesasoftware.com), goal is to bring the science of engineering and Digital Signal Processing to the art of trading. One such endeavor is his publishing of… more