
Thom Hartle

This post details the use of the CQG function: Time Average (TimeAvg), which calculates the average for values taken at the same time of day over the lookback period.

In this example, the… more

Thom Hartle

The Adaptive Moving Average (AMA) was developed by American quantitative financial analyst and author Perry J. Kaufman. The AMA study is like the exponential moving average (EMA), except the AMA… more

Thom Hartle

Certified stocks are bags of coffee that have been graded by the ICE exchange by ICE approved graders and are warehoused in exchange approved warehouses around the world. ICE reports the current… more

Thom Hartle

CQG's Data Quality team has added USDA WASDE Long-Term Projections to the data base. This data is published each February and the report provides projections for the agricultural sector out eleven… more

Thom Hartle

The Spread Bar chart displays spread bar values based on a user set parameter for snap shots at certain intervals.

This is a superior method to simply plotting the spread prices. For… more

Thom Hartle

Let's say you want to look at a study on a chart but you want the study to use a different time frame than the time frame for the bars. For example, the MACD Study on a 1-minute chart using 5-… more

Helmut Mueller

It has been a while since I introduced the Super Template as a shortcut to build trading system inside CQG. In a nutshell, the Super Template is a trading system ready to run, that has a long and… more

Thom Hartle

This post details a custom CQG study for pulling a market’s all time high price and date and the market’s all time low price and date.

The custom study was built by CQG’s Product Specialist… more

Thom Hartle

The CQG Data Quality Team has added the USDA Daily Ethanol Report found under USDA in the CQG Symbol Finder. Thirty-four new symbols are available. At the bottom of the post is a CQG PAC that… more

Thom Hartle

The CQG Data Quality Team has added over 1,000 USDA Cattle Market reports. The symbols are found under the USDA-WASDE group in the CQG Symbol Finder when searching for Cattle.

In… more