Customers using our flagship product, CQG Integrated Client (CQG IC), have access to a new study called Algo Orders. Using a proprietary algorithm, this trading activity indicator detects and… more
This Microsoft Excel® dashboard displays both outrights and individual three-month calendar spreads and their individual legs for tracking the rolls. The markets covered are the Globex-traded… more
This Microsoft Excel® dashboard displays individual Euribor 3-month calendar spreads and their individual legs for tracking the rolls. All of the active deliveries for each individual symbol are… more
This Microsoft Excel® dashboard displays market data for RBOB Gasoline spreads traded on the CME Globex platform. This monitor uses a matrix style format. The outrights are along the top row and… more
This Microsoft Excel® dashboard displays individual Short Sterling three-month calendar spreads and their individual legs for tracking the rolls. All of the active deliveries for each individual… more
This Microsoft Excel® dashboard displays market data for heating oil spreads traded on the CME Globex platform. This monitor uses a matrix style format. The outrights are along the top row and the… more
This Microsoft Excel® dashboard displays market data for crude oil spreads traded on the CME Globex platform. The dashboard is in a matrix-style format. The outrights are along the top row and the… more
This Microsoft Excel® dashboard uses RTD formulas to pull the following CQG Trading Studies into Excel:
Open Trade Equity Position Profit & LossThese are study formulas and… more
This Microsoft Excel® dashboard displays trade system statistics pulled from CQG’s Backtesting module. Enter the system's “short’ name, chart time frame, and symbol.
This new version… more
This Microsoft Excel® dashboard displays market data for natural gas spreads traded on the CME Globex platform. This monitor uses a matrix-style format. The outrights are along the top row and the… more