
In addition to the customer facing features for this release, here are features requested by our partners.

GeneralAbility to configure white label to request reauthentication every 24… more

In addition to the customer facing features for this release, here are features requested by our partners.

General MasterView project Added strategy column to All Contracts widget Added… more

In addition to the customer facing features for this release, here are features requested by our partners.


Desktop now displays historical T… more

Microsoft has announced The Internet Explorer 11 application will be retired and go out of support on June 15, 2022. This will affect all FCMs using CAST to manage customers.

To… more

In addition to the customer facing features for this release, here are features requested by our partners.

General OpenID authentication integration "On behalf of" support for NND OT… more

In addition to the customer facing features for this release, here are features requested by our partners.

Trading Ability to see orders of more than one account on HOT Added Client ID… more

In addition to the customer facing features for this release, here are features requested by our partners.

General New scrolling ticker quoteboard
Your browser does not support… more

In addition to the customer facing features for this release, here are features requested by our partners.

Trading Added new column in Spreadsheet Trader for accumulated volume of recent… more

In addition to the customer facing features for this release, here are features requested by our partners.

Trading Added tab bar on HOT for fast switching between last four symbols Added… more

In addition to the customer facing features for this release, here are features requested by our partners.

General Added support for NNE symbol dialect Added "TradeID for order fills… more