The Supplemental report is published for Futures-and-Options-Combined in selected agricultural markets and, in addition to showing all the information in the short format, shows positions of Index… more

CQG has added more data to the Disaggregated group in the CQG Symbol Finder. Now, both the futures only and the combined futures and options data are available.The Disaggregated reports are broken… more

CQG Product Specialist Jim Stavros has created a downloadable CQG PAC that has three new CFTC COT Studies designed to aid in analysis of the COT reports: COTAll, COTcDiff and COT.

COTAll… more

CQG has added the CFTC Commitment of Traders data to the data feed. You can read about working with COT symbols here.

If you are interested in pulling the latest COT updates and historical… more

CQG has added the CFTC Commitment of Traders reports to the data feed. Under Exchanges in the CQG Symbol Finder you can find “CFTC Commitment of Traders.”

An easy way to find the… more