Fixed Income

The Fixed Income futures markets are mostly lower so far this week. The TSE 10 Year JGB, Sep 24 contract is down 0.48%. The best performer in the US market is the 2yr US Treasury Note (… more

The Fixed Income futures markets are mostly lower so far this week. However, the TSE 10 Year JGB, Sep 24 contract is up +0.05%. The best performer in the US market is the 2yr US Treasury… more

The Fixed Income futures markets are higher so far this week. The TSE 10 Year JGB, Jun 24 contract is up +0.02%. The best performer in the USA market is the 30yr US Treasury Bonds (Globex… more

Most of the Fixed Income futures markets are higher so far this week. The TSE 10 Year JGB, Jun 24 contract is up +0.66%. The best performer in the USA market is the 30yr US Treasury Bonds (… more

Most of the Fixed Income futures markets are lower so far this week. The TSE 10 Year JGB, Jun 24 contract is down -0.38 %. The best performer in the USA market is 5yr US Treasury Notes (… more

Most of the Fixed Income futures markets are lower so far this week. The TSE 10 Year JGB, Jun 24 contract is down -0.32 %. The best performer in the USA market is the 30yr US Treasury Bonds… more

The TSE 10 Year JGB, Jun 24 contract is down slightly while the rest of the Fixed Income futures markets are higher. The TSE 10 Year JGB, Jun 24 contract is down -0.09 %. The best performer… more

The TSE 10 Year JGB, Jun 24 contract is up slightly while the rest of the Fixed Income futures markets are retracing last week’s gains. The TSE 10 Year JGB, Jun 24 contract is up 0.05%. The… more

Customers of BrokerTec can now trade the Relative Value (RV) Treasury Spreads. BrokerTec is the price discovery leader for benchmark cash U.S. Treasuries.

RV Curve offers 21 spreads. This… more

A composite of the 29 primary commodity markets traded on the U.S. and U.K. exchanges edged only 0.21% higher in Q2, thanks to gains in animal proteins and soft commodities. Over the first six… more