Helmut Mueller

CQG's market data information breaks down into two types of data: One is study data that can be seen on a chart, such as the high of a market from last week. The other is a label data, which is… more

Thom Hartle

CQG's roots are in the world of market action data. The premise was that traders needed clear and informative market charts on various time frames and would use studies in conjunction with the… more

CQG Product Specialist Doug Janson covers two of the most underutilized features in CQG: DOM study values and Signal Evaluator.

DOM study values allow overlay study values to be placed into… more

Helmut Mueller

In this article, we measure the price action between a significant high and a significant low identified by CQG's ZigZag study. The ZigZag study is a useful graphical tool that connects… more

ICE, CQG, and Alexander Trading presented Tom Alexander, veteran trader and trading mentor, as he discussed the importance and key elements of a trading plan and why he believes Market Profile is… more

Denver, CO and Singapore, December 4, 2013 - CQG, Inc. today announced at FIA Asia the continued expansion of its product offering with the addition of CQG M, which provides traders with market… more

Denver, CO and Singapore, December 4, 2013 - CQG, Inc. today announced at FIA Asia the continued expansion of its product offering with the addition of CQG M, which provides traders with market… more

Helmut Mueller

Occasionally we receive requests from traders asking how to protect their own formulas from being viewed and modified by someone else. Here is a short guide detailing the steps.

The quick… more

Watch this recording, presented by CQG and Robin Mesch, President of Mesch Capital Management, to learn about her unique approach to Market Profile.

Gain valuable market insight as Mesch… more

Helmut Mueller

This short article is not a huge programming exercise, it is mainly about a smart way to see seasonal behavior in an overlay chart. Here is the result we would like to have:

The… more