
Quotes Added columns to display yield values for fixed income symbols Trading Added ability to hide market order buttons When HOT is in focus, typing in a number changes the order size… more
Quotes Added the ability to filter by any column in QSS  Added exchange as a column in QSS and SpreadSheet Trader Added ISIN number to CSPEC Trading Child orders in a bracket can now have… more

In addition to the customer facing features for this release, these are features requested by our partners.

White label controls Contact FCM language is now dependent on white label and will… more
White Label Controls Setting order size buttons defaults per symbols Hedge type default added to symbol settings Scroll with mousewheel no longer changes order size in Spreadsheet Trader General… more
Quotes Added a quick filter on QSS and Spreadsheet Trader General Improved tab overflow Improved font rendering on non-retina displays Updated some widget names and icons

We hope that these… more

Charts Added parabolic study Improved pinch and zoom interaction on CQG Mobile Added trend and ray pointer tools General Added another fractional price format: solidus

We hope that these… more

Charts Cursor value box now shows data for last bar in view General Reduced width of the left navigation bar Trading Added last trade price column to Positions widget Quotes Added exchange… more
Charts New drawing tools: Trend lines and channels Added Ichimoku study Added Directional Movement (DMI) Study Right-click menus Added ability to pan chart into the future Trading Scale… more
Charts Horizontal and vertical lines pointer tools. Coming soon: Cursor value display with vertical line tool. More pointer tools. General Improved changing a symbol in Chart and HOT. Added… more
General Improved symbol entry autosuggest to include user defined lists Quotes Tabs now include quote style Price formatting improvements for fractions: Fixed income and decimal HOT Improved… more