Petroleum prices fell for a third week in four, experiencing their largest weekly drop in terms of percentage of value in the last two years. A massive release from the US Strategic Petroleum… more
Petroleum prices rose for the first week in three amid persistent volatility and ongoing reduction in open interest. A missile attack on a Saudi Arabian oil installation by Iranian-backed Houthi… more
I have always believed that every active hedge strategy needs to answer the following three-part question:
Percentage hedged Duration of the hedge Derivative instrument(s) used to hedge… more
Volatility exacerbated by a liquidity crunch that intensified price swings was a key characteristic of petroleum markets which fell for a second consecutive week after having reached 14 month… more
Profound volatility was the primary feature of petroleum markets which had their first weekly loss since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Prices fell sharply after reaching historic highs on Monday.… more
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine caused a historic spike in petroleum prices which registered their largest weekly gains in terms of dollars on record. Accentuating the week was the dangerous seizure… more
In this second of our series of articles on technical analysis for commercial hedgers we will look at using technical analysis to understand the basis and how it impacts the decision-making… more
Petroleum prices fell for the first week in nine as continued tensions on the Russian Ukrainian border which appear to be poised for rapid escalation to an invasion were offset by apparent… more
Petroleum prices increased for an eighth consecutive week, touching eight year highs as reports released on Friday
afternoon from numerous mainstream media outlets stated that Russia had… more
Moving averages, oscillators, forward curves, spreads, basis graphs... charting can seem overwhelming to commercial hedgers who are simply seeking to dampen volatility and lock in profits on their… more