Thomas Finlon

The discovery of a new Covid strain slammed petroleum prices on Friday as overwhelming fears
of demand destruction enveloped energy markets, erasing gains dating back to August. This

Yra Harris

We at Notes From Underground on Oct. 31 wrote a post titled, "The Odious Designs of ECB Policy." It noted that during the ECB post-meeting press conference President Christine Lagarde said - in… more

Thomas Finlon

Petroleum prices fell for a fourth consecutive week, the longest streak of weekly losses since March 27, 2020. After having reached seven-month highs a scant four weeks ago, prices are now at… more

Yra Harris & Kevin Duffy with thanks to Financial Repression Authority.


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Yra Harris

It’s been. another week in which headline inflation concerns has jolted markets, particularly in the interest rate space, but not as much as many investors and traders would have expected. The… more

Thomas Finlon

Energy prices fell for a third consecutive week and third week in 12 as the looming threat of intervention by executive order from the US president to try to reduce energy prices dominated market… more

"Copperate" with You
Conference Recordings Host and Organizer: SDIC Essence Futures Co-organizer: CQG, Capital CSC Futures (HK) Supporting Agency: Shanghai International Energy Exchange… more
Marcus Kwan
General Removed older widgets that are difficult to maintain: Globe, World Clock, and Bubble orders Time… more
Marcus Kwan
Trading Added bracket to actions for a working order Reduced width of Algo Order Ticket Improved account picker to enable multi-select OTC/HMS Publish Bids… more
Yra Harris

The U.S. and Canadian unemployment data both were somewhat stronger than expected. The markets were trading in focus with the robust U.S. data — equities higher, DOLLAR firm, and bonds trying to… more