
The Spread Bar chart displays spread bar values based on a user set parameter for snap shots at certain intervals.

This is a superior method to simply plotting the spread prices. For… more

Microsoft® Excel has a Text function which is useful for combining text with market data. For example, you may want to have your Excel dashboard display in the same cell the percent net change… more

The Microsoft® Excel 3-D chart is different from the Excel Scatter Plot chart. The Scatter chart uses a fixed size for the chart data points. The 3-D chart accesses an additional column to set the… more

Here, we introduce placing Batch Orders using the CQG XL Toolkit. At the bottom of the post is a downloadable Excel sample. For more details there are two links to the CQG IC/QTrader Help files… more

This Microsoft Excel® dashboard displays exchange traded spread market data for a user input symbol. The Excel dashboard uses the CQG RTD Toolkit Add-in, which is installed with CQG IC or CQG… more

This Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet uses the CQG XL Toolkit to pull in market data based on the symbol entered by the user. The XL Toolkit requires the customer’s FCM enable it. The data is pulled… more

When using RTD functions in Excel to pull in market prices you have to manually format the prices. Excel does not know that the E-mini S&P 500 price has two decimals places (i.e. 3909.25) and… more

This post details a custom CQG study for pulling a market’s all time high price and date and the market’s all time low price and date.

The custom study was built by CQG’s Product Specialist… more

The CQG RTD Toolkit is an Excel Add-in installed with CQG IC and QTrader. This post details how to pull contract information: specifically the First Notice Date and the Expiration Date for a list… more

The CQG Data Quality Team has added the USDA Daily Ethanol Report found under USDA in the CQG Symbol Finder. Thirty-four new symbols are available. At the bottom of the post is a CQG PAC that… more