
Each Wednesday this article will be updated with the current seasonal study using CQG's Seasonal analysis applied to the Soybean, Wheat and Corn markets. You can download the CQG pac providing the… more

Each Wednesday this article will be updated with the current seasonal study using CQG's Seasonal analysis applied to the Soybean, Wheat and Corn markets. You can download the CQG pac providing the… more

A composite of the 29 primary commodity markets traded on the U.S. and U.K. exchanges edged only 0.21% higher in Q2, thanks to gains in animal proteins and soft commodities. Over the first six… more

Each Wednesday this article will be updated with the current seasonal study using CQG's Seasonal analysis applied to the Soybean, Wheat and Corn markets. You can download the CQG pac providing the… more

Adam Rozencwajg: Currently, a Managing Partner of Goehring & Rozencwajg, Natural Resource Investors. Adam has many years of investment experience. Between 2007 and 2015, he worked exclusively… more

A giant hello and salutations from Notes From Underground.

It has been quite a long time since I have sat down to write about the state of things, but it is not because I haven’t been… more

Each Wednesday this article will be updated with the current seasonal study using CQG's Seasonal analysis applied to the Soybean, Wheat and Corn markets. You can download the CQG pac providing the… more

Each Wednesday this article will be updated with the current seasonal study using CQG's Seasonal analysis applied to the Soybean, Wheat and Corn markets. You can download the CQG pac providing the… more

Each Wednesday this article will be updated with the current seasonal study using CQG's Seasonal analysis applied to the Soybean, Wheat and Corn markets. You can download the CQG pac providing the… more

While the U.S. energy policy embraces alternative and renewable fuels and inhibits hydrocarbons, crude oil remains the energy commodity that powers the world. In 2022, the war in Ukraine and U.S.… more