Andy Hecht

The dollar index moved lower by 1.14% in the fourth quarter of 2017, and commodities prices moved higher with five of the six major sectors posting gains. Out of the 29 commodities that I follow,… more

The year 2017 has been an up and down year for commodities, but when the dust settles the asset class will post an overall gain on the year. Even though inflation remains below the 2% target set… more

Crude oil is the energy commodity that continues to power the world. While many new and exciting energy products will likely take away some of oil’s market share in the years to come, the fact is… more

The dollar index moved lower by 2.66% in the third quarter of 2017, and commodities prices moved higher with four of the six major sectors posting gains. Out of the 29 commodities that I follow,… more

In the world of commodities futures, crude oil is the most closely watched and heavily traded market. We are all oil consumers in some form as we drive cars, heat our homes during the cold season… more

The dollar index moved lower by 4.79% in the second quarter of 2017. Out of the 29 commodities that I follow, 22 posted losses during the three-month period that ended last Friday, June 30.… more

The US dollar is the reserve currency of the world, and it is also the benchmark pricing mechanism for most raw material prices. Typically, a weak dollar results in strong commodities prices… more

Gold opened 2017 with a roar after hitting lows in December. The price of the yellow metal has made higher lows and higher highs so far with the most recent peak coming on April 17, when the… more

The dollar index moved lower by 2.02% in the first quarter of 2017, and commodities prices moved higher with four of the six major sectors posting gains. Many raw materials made multiyear lows in… more

The trading range in crude oil has been narrow since the middle of December 2016. From high to low since December 19, the price of active month NYMEX crude oil futures have traded in a range of… more